Sunday, September 18, 2022

A Plague Tale: Innocence - XVII - For Each Other (PC) Playthrough


All seemed lost. After Arthur's death, Rodric sacrificed himself so Hugo and Amicia could get to Vitalis. Their efforts paid off: The Grand Inquisitor is dead, and Beatrice is reunited with her children.

A Plague Tale: Innocence - XVI - Coronation (PC) Playthrough


Brainwashed by Vitalis and accompanied by Nicholas, Hugo unleashed his rats on Chateau d'Ombrage. Nicholas kills Arthur but Amicia and Hugo, reunited once more, manage to kill Vitalis's henchman. The group leaves for the town in order to put an end to the Grand Inquisitor's madness.

CODEX - Hugo's Herbarium: 1/1 - Gifts: 1/1 - Curiosities: 2/2
Christmas rose (Hugo's Herbarium), the flower located far north from the burned house (try have Rodric to open the burned house's door then some soldiers will appear; kill them all then go north as much as you can go through the opened door by an enemy soldier).
Used since Antiquity to treat dementia and some forms of paralysis, the plant quickly became a symbol of anxiety and disquiet--this is likely due to its toxicity, as handling it with one's bare hands causes violent irritations and even more severe reactions if ingested. Strangely enough, it is found in nativity scenes around Christmas. It as supposedly born from the tears of Madelon, a young shepherdess who was desperate to offer a gift to the newborn Christ.

Discipline (Curiosities), it's at the right turn after the first time Hugo uses rats from the underground to kill a soldier (lying on the dead soldier's body).
Faced with an increasing number of orders and cults, the Church implores the Inquisition to strike down heresy to its core by driving out Dulcinians, Fraticelli and Flagellants. The latter are convinced that humanity deserves divine sentencing, and repent by inflicting discipline in themselves in public, lacerating their own flesh with great whips while marching through the streets. Ironically, the Flagellants helped spread the Plague from village to village.

Inquisitor's Manual (Curiosities), it's located near the Inquisition dead body in front of the Cathedral main entrance.
Bernard Guidoni, Inquisitor of Languedoc, wrote a manual for his peers at the beginning of the fourteenth century, thought of as an aid to their work. Acting as a legal code, it lists the heresies ti be condemned, the corresponding penalties, and the procedures to be followed. For the sake of ethics, it favors the common good rather than that of individuals and advocates cruel sentences in order to make examples that instill a sense of terror among the people.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

A Plague Tale: Innocence - XV - Remembrance (PC) Playthrough


Helped by his mother, Hugo has become able to control the rats. Vitalis, who injected himself with the boy's blood, tried to force Hugo through the First Threshold. But, protected by Lucas' elixir, Hugo resisted. Beatrice and her son are still the Grand Inquisitor's prisoners, and he intends to continue his experiments.

CODEX - Hugo's Herbarium: 1/1
Rockfoils (Hugo's Herbarium), the flower located in the kitchen, go pass Lucas that's been busy with the wooden trunk and enter the room then go right (the flower is left of the table).
Saxifrage, also known as "stone-breaker", is often found in cold, mountainous environments, seeping into rock crevices to avoid the frost. It symbolizes inevitability and a form of despair. This nickname comes from the fact that it was considered a means of dissolving kidney stones.

A Plague Tale: Innocence - XIV - Blood Ties (PC) Playthrough


Amicia got lost trying to find Hugo. Exhausted and emotionally drained, she fell into a hallucination where Hugo was but one of the many ghosts of her guilt.

CODEX - Hugo's Herbarium: 1/1
Black Nightshade (Hugo's Herbarium), the flower located at the Inquisition castle garden (north-east from the entrance door you comes in while following lord Nicolas).
A symbol of truth, associated by some with demonic witchcraft, the black nightshade has many worrisome nicknames: "devil's herb", "death cherries", and "beautiful death". The toxicity of its berries is certainly a factor; consuming them can lead to death.

A Plague Tale: Innocence - XIII - Penance (PC) Playthrough


At the De Rune estate, Amicia and Lucas discovered that the Macula, Hugo and the rats are closely intertwined. When they returned to Chateau d'Ombrage, Amicia had Hugo drink the elixir that their mother had started making, which Lucas managed to finish. It will let the young carrier of the Macula pass the First Threshold safely.

CODEX - Hugo's Herbarium: 1/1 - Curiosities: 2/2
Daffodil (Hugo's Herbarium), the flower located near the snowy forest at the right after you walking pass the horses.
It is said that it grew from the remains of Narcissus, a mythological figure who died while looking at this own reflection. It symbolizes egoism and selfishness. Despite a marked toxic potential recognized by humanity since Antiquity, many European countries have used it to treat tumors, epilepsy, and hair loss--to varying degrees of success.

Rag doll (Curiosities), it's at the left side of the broken half door after Clerie opens the gate for you.
A worn-out rag doll given to Hugo by friends of the family. Since toys are not yet widely used in commerce, they are hand-made by craftsmen, the servants of the wealthiest estates, or by parents themselves.

Knight figurine (Curiosities), it's located in the Hugo's room after your mother let you in (don't speaks to Hugo yet, instead go to the next room on your right).
Chivalrous figures are very important in historical imagination, forged by centuries of myths. But before becoming a symbol of Christian and court ideals popularized by monk scribes, knights are first and foremost warriors on horseback who fight for an order (secular or religious) or as vassals on behalf of lords.

Friday, September 16, 2022

A Plague Tale: Innocence - XII - All That Remains (PC) Playthrough


Melie came back to the castle with her brother Arthur. She brought news that Amicia's mother is alive, imprisoned by the Inquisition. Despite Amicia's determination to hide the truth from her brother, Hugo heard everything, and his condition suddenly took a drastic turn for the worse. Amicia and Lucas leave immediately for the De Rune estate, seeking a key ingredient in the life-saving elixir.

CODEX - Hugo's Herbarium: 1/1 - Gifts: 1/1 - Curiosities: 2/2
Cinquefoils (Hugo's Herbarium), the flower located at the left of garden main entrance (there are alot of episanguis covered the area).
It owes its name to its number of petas--five, like the fingers on a hand. From a medicinal point of view, it was used from Antiquity in the form of pastes or decoctions to fight illness of the digestive tract, calm fever, and stop bleeding. It is also an important symbol in heraldry, decorating the coats of arms of the great families of north-west France.

Calamus (Gifts), it's located on the table where you enter the De Rune estate domain for the first time (there is also a haystack in front of the house).
A piece of dried reed cut into a tip for writing once its end is soaked in ink. However essential to the transmission of knowledge, reading and writing are practiced only by a small elite--only members of the clergy and the most educated of citizens. The majority of books available depict the world from a Christian perspective, with alchemists being among the few to describe a reality free from dogma.

Harnois Helmet (Curiosities), it's inside the wooden trunk at the right corner room after you pass the woman maid who's dead body lying on the ground surrounded by thousand of rats.
An armor set designed for knights, allowing them to mount their steeds while ensuring almost complete protection of their bodies. Contrary to plate or ceremonial armor, it weighs no more than twenty kilograms and hinders its wearer's movements only slightly, making racing possible and greatly facilitating drawn-out confrontations.

Family tree (Curiosities), it's located at the left of the two barrels in Amicia's mother a secret room (laboratory).
Genealogy is an ancient tradition upheld since the time of the Egyptians and mentioned in the Bible. It was long reserved for the rich and mighty, and underwent a major evolution starting from the eleventh century, serving to prove lords' nobility or the absence of kinship of married couples. However, given the wealth power of their clients, it's not uncommon for some genealogists to prefer financial gain over accuracy...

A Plague Tale: Innocence - XI - Alive (PC) Playthrough


Grand Inquisitor Vitalis also wants the Sanguinis Itinera, but Amicia stole it from under his nose. She was helped by Rodric, a young blacksmith she freed from the hands of the Inquisition. They return to Chateau d'Ombrage with the book. The elixir for Hugo seems within reach...

CODEX - Hugo's Herbarium: 1/1
Rhododendron (Hugo's Herbarium), the flower located to the right at the first entrance near a brazier when you go down the stairs after Rodric.
While the rhododendron is harmless, honey made from its flowers is said to carry toxins with hallucinogenic and laxative properties. This is what seemingly thwarted the Greek army resulting in the Retreat of the Ten Thousand--soldiers gorged themselves on this honey after looting and suffered its effects. Its apparent harmfulness is probably what made it a symbol if risk and danger.

Thursday, September 15, 2022

A Plague Tale: Innocence - X - The Way of Roses (PC) Playthrough


Amicia entered the University, deftly navigating the town under martial law. She was nearing the Sanguinis Itinera, the mythical book that will help Hugo pass the First Threshold, a crucial step in the evolution of his illness. But the Inquisition was already there...

CODEX - Hugo's Herbarium: 1/1 - Gifts: 1/1 - Curiosities: 2/2
Daisy (Hugo's Herbarium), the flower located inside a small room at the library area where there is a standing lamp near the entrance.
The daisy is a symbol of innocence and purity, and probably owes its fame to the whiteness of its petals. It was used in infusions with calming and digestive properties, known to also promote scar healing. Daisy petals were also used in salads and popular among both nobles and commoners, due to their slight pepper flavor.

Reading stone (Gifts), it's located on the right of black full armor soldier stands (you have Rodric take him down).
After centuries of ignorance, theories about how human vision works now abound. We started by believing that our eyes send out rays revealing objects around us, before finally understanding that, in fact, the opposite is the case. People began to find remedies for vision problems; a good example is the creation of rough eyeglasses that improved their wearers' sight of objects nearby.

Study of a skinned person (Curiosities), it's at the right center side of the long wooden chair where guarded by the soldier who's replies to his fellow soldier "Ad Lucem(To the Fire)" after heard "Ad Ignem(To the Light)".
Since autopsies are formally prohibited by the Church, the practice of studying the human body is still in its infancy. Frightened by the gravity of the situation, Pope Clement VI then issued a papal bull authorizing doctors to open up the bodies of the dead in order to better understand and fight the Plague. Unfortunately, few clergymen followed him, and most anatomical charts therefore came from books from the Orient.

Theriaque (Curiosities), it's located on the table at secret room due south-east if you stands facing the Sanguinis Itinera books.
A decoction made up of more than 50 plant, mineral, and animal ingredients that take more than a year of fermentation for their properties to become complete. Against the Great Evil, it seems to have the effect of accelerating the development of buboes, thus making it possible to remove the infection after incision.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

A Plague Tale: Innocence - IX - In the Shadow of Ramparts (PC) Playthrough


With the Macula is gaining ground in Hugo's blood, Lucas feels powerless to help the boy. He needs the knowledge found within a rare book stored in the University of the neighboring town. Melie knows the way and is determined to save her brother from the Inquisition, so offers to take Amicia there.

CODEX - Hugo's Herbarium: 1/1 - Gifts: 1/1 - Curiosities: 2/2
Lavender (Hugo's Herbarium), the flower is at the first entrance of Ramparts Town near a big tree to your left.
Lavender is widely known for its perfume, and for its color among weavers. The well-educated also use it in many cataplasms for its purifying values. It was rubbed on viper bites to weaken the venom, or on children's scalps to fight lice. Over time, it has become a symbol of dedication and loyalty.

Chessboard (Gifts), it's located near the entrance of the University where two guards guarded it; one with helmet and the other not (the one who spokes a word: hoity-toity).
A solid-wood chess game. This game became popular in Europe during the Middle Ages, first among nobles, and then spread to all strata of society. The invention of this game is the subject of many legends. Its first version supposedly came into being in Asia between the third and sixth centuries, evolving when it reached the Middle East, and slowly finding its final form when it reached Europe in the tenth century.

Sheepskin (Curiosities), it's at the room where there is a hanged dead man, inside a trunk far north of you.
Before the Plague took on uncontrollable proportions, coachmen and shepherds were often spared, unwittingly protected by the strong smell of the goats, sheep, and horses with which they lived. It was only a temporary respite for some, however, as the lucky survivors could be suspected of serving the Great Evil, and were sometimes punished severely.

Piece of Transis (Curiosities), it's located at broken small catacombs nears a cemetery after you jump down the wall nears a big roller wooden box.
Cadaver tombs are a grotesque version of tomb effigies. The latter are mortuary structures devoid of bodies, adorned with a bas-relief depicting a deceased person in a peaceful position. Cadaver tombs, on the other hand, represent the deceased realistically, gaunt, or decomposing. They can be seen multiplying in urban cemeteries, where the influx of infected bodies contributes to the spread of the Great Evil. However, contaminated corpses are placed in mass graves outside built-up areas, while cadaver tombs rest in holy places.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

A Plague Tale: Innocence - VIII - Our Home (PC) Playthrough


Hugo, Amicia, and Melie tracked down Lucas, threw the Inquisition off their trail and reached Chateau d'Ombrage, an isolated ancestral fortress, overrun with rats. After a tough battle to eliminate the swarm, the orphans got their first night of peaceful rest.

CODEX - Hugo's Herbarium: 1/1 - Gifts: 1/1 - Curiosities: 2/2
St. John's wort (Hugo's Herbarium), the flower located near the big tree, where De Rune family necklaces (Amicia & Hugo) hanged.
Also called "Saint John's herb", it is a symbol of animosity, but also of protection and light, St. John's wort is considered a remedy to melancholy and other mental afflictions. Despite its nickname, "devil hunter", ingesting it can still significantly disrupt the heart rate, causing arrhythmia and tachycardia.

Alchemical crucible (Gifts), it's located on the left before you go up stairs to shout out loud together with Hugo and speaks to Melie.
An alchemist's most fundamental tool. This stone container is able to withstand extreme conditions (high furnace temperatures, acids) without eroding or breaking. Throughout the alchemical process, it carries the potential of the final Great Work.

Iconography (Curiosities), it's at the right side of the stairs when the first time Hugo asked you to see Lucas at the labs.
Alchemy fascinates scientists as much as it inspires artists. The recurring symbol of the lion devouring the sun us an allusion to alchemical dissolution. The purpose of this process, in which vitriol attacks sulfur, is to separate the "crude" substances from the "subtle" ones.

Bird Language Manual (Curiosities), it's located behind the barrel where Melie standing and having a conversation with Amicia.
Alchemists, whose practices are regarded as occult and dangerous by the majority, go to considerable lengths to encrypt their work. Since Antiquity, they have used this "language of birds"; a code based on metaphors, word games and chirping sounds, as well as mystical symbolism of letters, which reserves the true meaning of their texts to insiders.

Monday, September 12, 2022

A Plague Tale: Innocence - VII - The Path Before Us (PC) Playthrough


The Inquisition paid the English garrison a ransom to get to Hugo & Amicia. Luckily, Amicia and the boy managed to escape the camp with the unexpected help of the two young raiders they met earlier: Melie and her brother Arthur. He stayed behind to create a diversion.

CODEX - Hugo's Herbarium: 1/1 - Gifts: 1/1 - Curiosities: 2/2
Hawthorn (Hugo's Herbarium), the flower located at abandoned village after all of you crossing the mill-yard.
A thorny bush used to mark out the borders of gardens and properties, hawthorn has become a symbol of cautious hope. It is the subject of many legends, the most prestigious of which depicts it as Christ's crown of thorns. When ingested as an infusion, it regulates the heartbeat and combats shortness of breath.

Vinegar of the four thieves (Gifts), it's located inside the first house at the upper road, on the table (have Melie to open the door for you).
There is a particularly widespread legend of four thieves who found a way to plunder contaminated houses without being struck by evil themselves. When they were finally stopped, the robbers were promised not to be burned at the stake if they revealed their secret. They agreed, making the details of their mysterious recipe public, and were hanged on the spot. The effectiveness of their recipe remains highly questionable.

Horseshoe (Curiosities), it's inside a house across the mill, hanged on the wooden wall.
As quality of life improves, population size grows faster than food production. Added to the various plagues befalling the crops, this makes famine take on a dramatic dimension, pushing poor and rich to superstition. Despite their new role as good luck charms, horseshoes are still expensive pieces of ironwork that are crucial to farming. Using them to attract luck is a major sacrifice for a farmer.

Map (Curiosities), it's located on the table guarded by an English soldier.
Widespread among noble and learned circles, maps are rare and expensive as well as imprecise. That is why practical and inexpensive directional signs proliferate at road intersections. The villages, sometimes located several days' walk of each other, are ravaged by famine, war, and disease. It is through these same roads that the Plague travels, accompanying the fleeing populations who follow the saying: "leave quickly, go far, and come back late."

A Plague Tale: Innocence - VI - Damaged Goods (PC) Playthrough


While crossing the ruins of a battlefield, Amicia, Hugo, and Lucas met two young raiders, who used the orphans as a distraction to escape from English soldiers. Only Lucas managed to get away, while Amicia and Hugo were captured by the invading army.

CODEX - Gifts: 1/1 - Curiosities: 2/2
Knucklebones (Gifts), it's located on the table east of the tent with the sleeping soldiers and an empty bottle (make sure you delivers Melie to the right tent safely before take this item).
These small sheep's bones are a favorite in games for both children and adults, whether among nobles of commoners. Adults enjoy them in games of chance and gambling once they have been polished and engraved, thus acting as dice. Easily transportable, they can be found in ecclesiastical circles, where they are associated with the Devil.

Pound Sterling (Curiosities), it's east side of the outside tent after Melie open the wooden trunk for you for the first time.
The pound sterling is the oldest currency still in circulation and was already widespread at the end of the eleventh century, when it alone accounted for 15 tons of metal. Passing from hand to hand, crossing the borders and strata of society, money was also a powerful vector of contamination. Just like mail, people only thought to decontaminate it decades later.

Declaration of War (Curiosities), it's located at the outside tent after you cross the tail horses.
The Casus Belli serves as the official justification for a conflict between sovereigns, although its legitimacy is often questionable. Some serve primarily economic interests. The Hundred Years' War thus enabled the French King Philippe VI to tax his people in order to fill the kingdom's coffers, and King Edward III to satisfy the English nobility, whose land revenues had fallen severely.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

A Plague Tale: Innocence - V - The Ravens' Spoils (PC) Playthrough


Laurantius told Amicia that an ancient evil lurks in Hugo's blood, and that this evil is awakening. Shortly before dying, the old alchemist entrusted Lucas, his apprentice. with the mission of helping the orphans reach Chateau d'Ombrage. There, they will finally be safe from the Inquisition.

CODEX - Hugo's Herbarium: 1/1 - Gifts: 1/1 - Curiosities: 2/2
Gladiolus (Hugo's Herbarium), the flower located at the left end turn of the aqua duct after Hugo playing with shield, go left and run until the end of the path.
Found in both tended gardens and wild fields, many of its variants are poisonous, but one of them was consumed in dishes and used in remedies. The shape of its leaves, reminiscent of a Gladius sword, made it the flower of heroes and gladiators in the Roman era; a symbol of strength and vigor.

Ballastella (Jacob's staff), (Gifts), it's located at the burning sword haystack, north-west from the fire ballista.
The ballastlella is as useful a tool in astronomy as it is in the military arts, and it spread far and wide in the early thirteenth century. Capable of highly precise measurements, it is used to calculate angles and distances, particularly for calibrating siege weapons. When combined with a compass this instrument allows attackers to take control of the field, giving them a definite strategic advantage.

Sickle (Curiosities), it's inside the wooden box, north-east from the high tower and guarded by a soldier.
A tool used to collect wheat, used here as a makeshift weapon. Since most soldiers were simply commoners who had been forcibly drafted, few of them were properly trained of equipped. It wasn't uncommon for them to fight in rags with a mere knife as their sole weapon.

Oliphant (Curiosities), it's located east side of the two hanged mans.
Easily transportable, capable of only one single note, but audible from far away, Oliphants ensured communication between the various units of an army. It signaled gathering, advancing or falling back--a highly complex and yet viral tool to spread information quickly and clearly in the midst of the noise.

A Plague Tale: Innocence - IV - The Apprentice (PC) Playthrough


Amicia and Hugo managed to narrowly escape the monastery, where hordes of rats had infested the catacombs. Rats fear light, so the orphans used the last rays of sunshine to move toward Laurentius' farm.

CODEX - Hugo's Herbarium: 1/1 - Gifts: 1/1 - Curiosities: 2/2
Aquilegia (Hugo's Herbarium), Hugo will pick the Carnations flower for you while you walk in the backyard of Doctor Laurentius' house.
Named for "Aquila", the Latin word for eagle, in reference to the shape of its talon-like petals. Ancolia is a symbol of sadness and troubled souls--even of madness. While its flowers are sweet and edible, its roots and stems are highly toxic. When digested, they cause the entire digestive system to become inflamed and can lead to dangerous palpitations.

Diary if an alchemist (Gifts), it's located at small boat near the river bank south east of the grape's garden.
A page from the diary of a scholar from the Orient and friend of Laurentius, telling of the ravages of the Plague in distant lands. The Great Evil has indeed appeared in Central Asia, where it ate through entire populations in its path and suppressed the very evolution of society before reaching and ravaging Europe.

Hermetic vessel (Curiosities), it's near the stone with red mark from the very beginning of the game also near a river where Hugo sees bubbles.
An earthen container that is used to work alchemical material, baked or worked with acid, and protect its user from vapors or projections. The word "hermetic" is inspired by Hermes Trismegistus, a mythical figure of Greco-Egyptian Antiquity to whom we owe the famous Emerald Tablet, the next that represents one of the pillars of the alchemical arts.

V.I.T.R.I.O.L (Curiosities), it's located right next to Doctor Laurentius bedroom on the table.
The abbreviation of a Latin formula: "Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem", meaning "Visit the interior of the earth, and by rectifying what you find there, you will discover the hidden stone". This maxim sums up alchemical philosophy, based on the study of the fundamental nature of the elements that surround us and how they are transformed. These initials are also another name for sulfuric acid, used to modify the substance.

A Plague Tale: Innocence - III - Retribution (PC) Playthrough


Chased by the paranoid and terrified townsfolk driven to a witch-hunt, Amicia and Hugo took refuge in the town monastery. They now must seek out the local monks who know where to find Doctor Laurentius, their only hope of safety.

CODEX - Hugo's Herbarium: 1/1 - Gifts: 1/1 - Curiosities: 2/2
Carnations (Hugo's Herbarium), Hugo will pick the Carnations flower for you while you walk into the cemetery area at the church.
It is referred to as the "flower of God" in some languages. Some attribute its nickname to its beauty, others to legends that it was born from the blood of Christ's stigmata or the Virgin Mary's tears. It has thus become a symbol of love, passion, and commitment. Its petals seemingly amplify sweating when used to treat fevers, and vinegar was produced from it to clean buboes, contributing to its reputation.

Rosary (Gifts), it's located to the right blocked exit of the church main altar.
Made from simple materials, these necklaces server as prayer guides. They are extremely widespread and serve as a testimony to the inescapable role of religion in society. Religion promises believers that their souls will be saved, provides hospitals with furniture, and divides the year with landmarks in the shape of pageantry and celebrations. The Church also hunts heretics, condemns the profane and, in more serious cases. excommunicates them, depriving them of the right to faith and isolating them from the community.

Brew (Curiosities), it's the middle room of swinging fire steel torch.
In monasteries--places of tranquility and prayer--a true culture of craftsmanship and creation is observed, be it culinary, textile or artistic. For a long time, monks were the only ones allowed to brew beer, authorized by Charlemagne himself. The drink also seems to have saved several villages, since, as it is brought to boil while being produced, it is therefore sterilized.

Crusader Tabard (Curiosities), it's located at where Hugo stuck and can't go down the ladder because of many rats down below.
It has been a century since the last great Crusade, and the Church faces new perils. Disease, famine, war... Calamities push humanity toward faith. This need for spirituality, combined with the many human losses, forces the clergy to train many priests in haste. But some of the people will nevertheless seek answers in paganism, superstition, and dissenting orders.

A Plague Tale: Innocence - II - The Strangers (PC) Playthrough


Amicia and her younger brother, Hugo, lost their entire family during an attack by the Inquisition. Amicia barely knows Hugo, who grew up cut off from the world because of a mysterious illness. She must now take him to see Laurentius, the doctor treating him since a young age.

CODEX - Gifts: 1/1 - Curiosities: 2/2
Amulets and talismans (Gifts), it's located near the river bank small dock before you entering the city.
Faced with the violence of the Plague, fear and superstition pushes commoners to obtain or make lucky charms. Unscrupulous artisans make money by selling rings and necklaces made of any material at high prices. These improbable trinkets, surrounded by superstition, are supposed to protect people from Evil.

Soap (Curiosities), it's on the chair near the clean water river bridge inside the city.
As the fear of miasmas (associated with the smell of the dead) spreads, hygiene makes great advances along with the development of towns and villages. Rudimentary sewers start to appear and most villages have saunas (public baths) accessible to all. On a daily basis, everyone washes their hands before each meal and soap can be found in even the most modest buildings.

Incense and herbs (Curiosities), you can find it inside Clarie's house at the upper floor room left cabinets.
Alchemists know it, and the people are beginning to suspect it; Evil does not exist only in the bodies of infected people--it also travels around them. People star blaming the air, the stench of which indicates the presence of miasmas and therefore of disease. So to ward off the Great Evil, the air of contaminated places is purified by burning herbs... at the risk of burning down the whole neighborhood.

A Plague Tale: Innocence - I - The De Rune Legacy (PC) Playthrough


In 1348, the serene southwestern region of the Kingdom of France. Lord De Rune's family lives in fragile peace, while the borders of Guyenne tremble with the echoes of the war against the English.

CODEX - Gifts: 1/1 - Curiosities: 2/2
Whistle (Gifts), its location near horse stash right side from the main entrance, climbs the ladder, and you'll see it.
A terracotta whistle given to Amicia by her father for her first hunt. Used by our distant ancestors as instruments and toys, whistles allowed people to synchronize their groups during hunts, but also armies in times of war.

Spices (Curiosities), it's located near the corner of kitchen warehouse spices storage, after you climbs the ladder.
Rare and expensive, spices are not found at all tables. Moreover, the population is convinced of a hierarchy of elements based on their proximity to the Divine; Fire precedes Air, which is above Water, which covers Earth. Vegetables, which grow in the least noble of the elements, are meant for the most destitute, while birds, which fly across the heavens, generally end up on the plates of lords.

Tablecloth (Curiosities), it's located on Amicia's bedroom, follows Louisa the maid to your room.
Hand-woven doilies are often decorated with lace and are used primarily to protect tables from hot dishes. This doily is adorned with family coats of arms, a traditional pattern for young, well-bred girls when they learn to crochet.