Friday, September 16, 2022

A Plague Tale: Innocence - XII - All That Remains (PC) Playthrough


Melie came back to the castle with her brother Arthur. She brought news that Amicia's mother is alive, imprisoned by the Inquisition. Despite Amicia's determination to hide the truth from her brother, Hugo heard everything, and his condition suddenly took a drastic turn for the worse. Amicia and Lucas leave immediately for the De Rune estate, seeking a key ingredient in the life-saving elixir.

CODEX - Hugo's Herbarium: 1/1 - Gifts: 1/1 - Curiosities: 2/2
Cinquefoils (Hugo's Herbarium), the flower located at the left of garden main entrance (there are alot of episanguis covered the area).
It owes its name to its number of petas--five, like the fingers on a hand. From a medicinal point of view, it was used from Antiquity in the form of pastes or decoctions to fight illness of the digestive tract, calm fever, and stop bleeding. It is also an important symbol in heraldry, decorating the coats of arms of the great families of north-west France.

Calamus (Gifts), it's located on the table where you enter the De Rune estate domain for the first time (there is also a haystack in front of the house).
A piece of dried reed cut into a tip for writing once its end is soaked in ink. However essential to the transmission of knowledge, reading and writing are practiced only by a small elite--only members of the clergy and the most educated of citizens. The majority of books available depict the world from a Christian perspective, with alchemists being among the few to describe a reality free from dogma.

Harnois Helmet (Curiosities), it's inside the wooden trunk at the right corner room after you pass the woman maid who's dead body lying on the ground surrounded by thousand of rats.
An armor set designed for knights, allowing them to mount their steeds while ensuring almost complete protection of their bodies. Contrary to plate or ceremonial armor, it weighs no more than twenty kilograms and hinders its wearer's movements only slightly, making racing possible and greatly facilitating drawn-out confrontations.

Family tree (Curiosities), it's located at the left of the two barrels in Amicia's mother a secret room (laboratory).
Genealogy is an ancient tradition upheld since the time of the Egyptians and mentioned in the Bible. It was long reserved for the rich and mighty, and underwent a major evolution starting from the eleventh century, serving to prove lords' nobility or the absence of kinship of married couples. However, given the wealth power of their clients, it's not uncommon for some genealogists to prefer financial gain over accuracy...