Thursday, September 15, 2022

A Plague Tale: Innocence - X - The Way of Roses (PC) Playthrough


Amicia entered the University, deftly navigating the town under martial law. She was nearing the Sanguinis Itinera, the mythical book that will help Hugo pass the First Threshold, a crucial step in the evolution of his illness. But the Inquisition was already there...

CODEX - Hugo's Herbarium: 1/1 - Gifts: 1/1 - Curiosities: 2/2
Daisy (Hugo's Herbarium), the flower located inside a small room at the library area where there is a standing lamp near the entrance.
The daisy is a symbol of innocence and purity, and probably owes its fame to the whiteness of its petals. It was used in infusions with calming and digestive properties, known to also promote scar healing. Daisy petals were also used in salads and popular among both nobles and commoners, due to their slight pepper flavor.

Reading stone (Gifts), it's located on the right of black full armor soldier stands (you have Rodric take him down).
After centuries of ignorance, theories about how human vision works now abound. We started by believing that our eyes send out rays revealing objects around us, before finally understanding that, in fact, the opposite is the case. People began to find remedies for vision problems; a good example is the creation of rough eyeglasses that improved their wearers' sight of objects nearby.

Study of a skinned person (Curiosities), it's at the right center side of the long wooden chair where guarded by the soldier who's replies to his fellow soldier "Ad Lucem(To the Fire)" after heard "Ad Ignem(To the Light)".
Since autopsies are formally prohibited by the Church, the practice of studying the human body is still in its infancy. Frightened by the gravity of the situation, Pope Clement VI then issued a papal bull authorizing doctors to open up the bodies of the dead in order to better understand and fight the Plague. Unfortunately, few clergymen followed him, and most anatomical charts therefore came from books from the Orient.

Theriaque (Curiosities), it's located on the table at secret room due south-east if you stands facing the Sanguinis Itinera books.
A decoction made up of more than 50 plant, mineral, and animal ingredients that take more than a year of fermentation for their properties to become complete. Against the Great Evil, it seems to have the effect of accelerating the development of buboes, thus making it possible to remove the infection after incision.