Wednesday, September 14, 2022

A Plague Tale: Innocence - IX - In the Shadow of Ramparts (PC) Playthrough


With the Macula is gaining ground in Hugo's blood, Lucas feels powerless to help the boy. He needs the knowledge found within a rare book stored in the University of the neighboring town. Melie knows the way and is determined to save her brother from the Inquisition, so offers to take Amicia there.

CODEX - Hugo's Herbarium: 1/1 - Gifts: 1/1 - Curiosities: 2/2
Lavender (Hugo's Herbarium), the flower is at the first entrance of Ramparts Town near a big tree to your left.
Lavender is widely known for its perfume, and for its color among weavers. The well-educated also use it in many cataplasms for its purifying values. It was rubbed on viper bites to weaken the venom, or on children's scalps to fight lice. Over time, it has become a symbol of dedication and loyalty.

Chessboard (Gifts), it's located near the entrance of the University where two guards guarded it; one with helmet and the other not (the one who spokes a word: hoity-toity).
A solid-wood chess game. This game became popular in Europe during the Middle Ages, first among nobles, and then spread to all strata of society. The invention of this game is the subject of many legends. Its first version supposedly came into being in Asia between the third and sixth centuries, evolving when it reached the Middle East, and slowly finding its final form when it reached Europe in the tenth century.

Sheepskin (Curiosities), it's at the room where there is a hanged dead man, inside a trunk far north of you.
Before the Plague took on uncontrollable proportions, coachmen and shepherds were often spared, unwittingly protected by the strong smell of the goats, sheep, and horses with which they lived. It was only a temporary respite for some, however, as the lucky survivors could be suspected of serving the Great Evil, and were sometimes punished severely.

Piece of Transis (Curiosities), it's located at broken small catacombs nears a cemetery after you jump down the wall nears a big roller wooden box.
Cadaver tombs are a grotesque version of tomb effigies. The latter are mortuary structures devoid of bodies, adorned with a bas-relief depicting a deceased person in a peaceful position. Cadaver tombs, on the other hand, represent the deceased realistically, gaunt, or decomposing. They can be seen multiplying in urban cemeteries, where the influx of infected bodies contributes to the spread of the Great Evil. However, contaminated corpses are placed in mass graves outside built-up areas, while cadaver tombs rest in holy places.