Monday, September 12, 2022

A Plague Tale: Innocence - VII - The Path Before Us (PC) Playthrough


The Inquisition paid the English garrison a ransom to get to Hugo & Amicia. Luckily, Amicia and the boy managed to escape the camp with the unexpected help of the two young raiders they met earlier: Melie and her brother Arthur. He stayed behind to create a diversion.

CODEX - Hugo's Herbarium: 1/1 - Gifts: 1/1 - Curiosities: 2/2
Hawthorn (Hugo's Herbarium), the flower located at abandoned village after all of you crossing the mill-yard.
A thorny bush used to mark out the borders of gardens and properties, hawthorn has become a symbol of cautious hope. It is the subject of many legends, the most prestigious of which depicts it as Christ's crown of thorns. When ingested as an infusion, it regulates the heartbeat and combats shortness of breath.

Vinegar of the four thieves (Gifts), it's located inside the first house at the upper road, on the table (have Melie to open the door for you).
There is a particularly widespread legend of four thieves who found a way to plunder contaminated houses without being struck by evil themselves. When they were finally stopped, the robbers were promised not to be burned at the stake if they revealed their secret. They agreed, making the details of their mysterious recipe public, and were hanged on the spot. The effectiveness of their recipe remains highly questionable.

Horseshoe (Curiosities), it's inside a house across the mill, hanged on the wooden wall.
As quality of life improves, population size grows faster than food production. Added to the various plagues befalling the crops, this makes famine take on a dramatic dimension, pushing poor and rich to superstition. Despite their new role as good luck charms, horseshoes are still expensive pieces of ironwork that are crucial to farming. Using them to attract luck is a major sacrifice for a farmer.

Map (Curiosities), it's located on the table guarded by an English soldier.
Widespread among noble and learned circles, maps are rare and expensive as well as imprecise. That is why practical and inexpensive directional signs proliferate at road intersections. The villages, sometimes located several days' walk of each other, are ravaged by famine, war, and disease. It is through these same roads that the Plague travels, accompanying the fleeing populations who follow the saying: "leave quickly, go far, and come back late."