Wednesday, September 7, 2022

A Plague Tale: Innocence - III - Retribution (PC) Playthrough


Chased by the paranoid and terrified townsfolk driven to a witch-hunt, Amicia and Hugo took refuge in the town monastery. They now must seek out the local monks who know where to find Doctor Laurentius, their only hope of safety.

CODEX - Hugo's Herbarium: 1/1 - Gifts: 1/1 - Curiosities: 2/2
Carnations (Hugo's Herbarium), Hugo will pick the Carnations flower for you while you walk into the cemetery area at the church.
It is referred to as the "flower of God" in some languages. Some attribute its nickname to its beauty, others to legends that it was born from the blood of Christ's stigmata or the Virgin Mary's tears. It has thus become a symbol of love, passion, and commitment. Its petals seemingly amplify sweating when used to treat fevers, and vinegar was produced from it to clean buboes, contributing to its reputation.

Rosary (Gifts), it's located to the right blocked exit of the church main altar.
Made from simple materials, these necklaces server as prayer guides. They are extremely widespread and serve as a testimony to the inescapable role of religion in society. Religion promises believers that their souls will be saved, provides hospitals with furniture, and divides the year with landmarks in the shape of pageantry and celebrations. The Church also hunts heretics, condemns the profane and, in more serious cases. excommunicates them, depriving them of the right to faith and isolating them from the community.

Brew (Curiosities), it's the middle room of swinging fire steel torch.
In monasteries--places of tranquility and prayer--a true culture of craftsmanship and creation is observed, be it culinary, textile or artistic. For a long time, monks were the only ones allowed to brew beer, authorized by Charlemagne himself. The drink also seems to have saved several villages, since, as it is brought to boil while being produced, it is therefore sterilized.

Crusader Tabard (Curiosities), it's located at where Hugo stuck and can't go down the ladder because of many rats down below.
It has been a century since the last great Crusade, and the Church faces new perils. Disease, famine, war... Calamities push humanity toward faith. This need for spirituality, combined with the many human losses, forces the clergy to train many priests in haste. But some of the people will nevertheless seek answers in paganism, superstition, and dissenting orders.