Saturday, September 17, 2022

A Plague Tale: Innocence - XIII - Penance (PC) Playthrough


At the De Rune estate, Amicia and Lucas discovered that the Macula, Hugo and the rats are closely intertwined. When they returned to Chateau d'Ombrage, Amicia had Hugo drink the elixir that their mother had started making, which Lucas managed to finish. It will let the young carrier of the Macula pass the First Threshold safely.

CODEX - Hugo's Herbarium: 1/1 - Curiosities: 2/2
Daffodil (Hugo's Herbarium), the flower located near the snowy forest at the right after you walking pass the horses.
It is said that it grew from the remains of Narcissus, a mythological figure who died while looking at this own reflection. It symbolizes egoism and selfishness. Despite a marked toxic potential recognized by humanity since Antiquity, many European countries have used it to treat tumors, epilepsy, and hair loss--to varying degrees of success.

Rag doll (Curiosities), it's at the left side of the broken half door after Clerie opens the gate for you.
A worn-out rag doll given to Hugo by friends of the family. Since toys are not yet widely used in commerce, they are hand-made by craftsmen, the servants of the wealthiest estates, or by parents themselves.

Knight figurine (Curiosities), it's located in the Hugo's room after your mother let you in (don't speaks to Hugo yet, instead go to the next room on your right).
Chivalrous figures are very important in historical imagination, forged by centuries of myths. But before becoming a symbol of Christian and court ideals popularized by monk scribes, knights are first and foremost warriors on horseback who fight for an order (secular or religious) or as vassals on behalf of lords.