Sunday, September 18, 2022

A Plague Tale: Innocence - XVI - Coronation (PC) Playthrough


Brainwashed by Vitalis and accompanied by Nicholas, Hugo unleashed his rats on Chateau d'Ombrage. Nicholas kills Arthur but Amicia and Hugo, reunited once more, manage to kill Vitalis's henchman. The group leaves for the town in order to put an end to the Grand Inquisitor's madness.

CODEX - Hugo's Herbarium: 1/1 - Gifts: 1/1 - Curiosities: 2/2
Christmas rose (Hugo's Herbarium), the flower located far north from the burned house (try have Rodric to open the burned house's door then some soldiers will appear; kill them all then go north as much as you can go through the opened door by an enemy soldier).
Used since Antiquity to treat dementia and some forms of paralysis, the plant quickly became a symbol of anxiety and disquiet--this is likely due to its toxicity, as handling it with one's bare hands causes violent irritations and even more severe reactions if ingested. Strangely enough, it is found in nativity scenes around Christmas. It as supposedly born from the tears of Madelon, a young shepherdess who was desperate to offer a gift to the newborn Christ.

Discipline (Curiosities), it's at the right turn after the first time Hugo uses rats from the underground to kill a soldier (lying on the dead soldier's body).
Faced with an increasing number of orders and cults, the Church implores the Inquisition to strike down heresy to its core by driving out Dulcinians, Fraticelli and Flagellants. The latter are convinced that humanity deserves divine sentencing, and repent by inflicting discipline in themselves in public, lacerating their own flesh with great whips while marching through the streets. Ironically, the Flagellants helped spread the Plague from village to village.

Inquisitor's Manual (Curiosities), it's located near the Inquisition dead body in front of the Cathedral main entrance.
Bernard Guidoni, Inquisitor of Languedoc, wrote a manual for his peers at the beginning of the fourteenth century, thought of as an aid to their work. Acting as a legal code, it lists the heresies ti be condemned, the corresponding penalties, and the procedures to be followed. For the sake of ethics, it favors the common good rather than that of individuals and advocates cruel sentences in order to make examples that instill a sense of terror among the people.